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Fragile Skin Protectors Called DermaSaver Forearm Tube

Forearm Tube - DSFT


Two layers of MicroSpring Textile protects from the wrist to below the elbow.

Two layers of soft, lightweight MicroSpring Textile™ form a loose-fitting tube that stays in place to protect fragile skin from pressure, friction and minor traumas that result in tears, bruising and abrasions.  Unlike traditional fabric sleeves that are tight and binding, the layers of microfilaments allow air-flow and moisture transfer.

Simply slip the tube over the arm, there are no hook and loop fasteners or tight fitting spandex.  The narrower end of the gently rests on the wrist to keep it from falling off. The cross microfilaments in the MicroSpring Textile allows these soft tubes to be self-supporting - they won’t slip down or bunch up. Measure the circumference around the widest part of the forearm. Choose the smaller size if measurement is between sizes.

Fragile Skin Protectors

DermaSaver Arm Tube for frail ski

Arm Tube - DSAT


Two layers of MicroSpring Textile protects from the wrist to above the elbow.

Two layers of soft, lightweight MicroSpring Textile™ form a loose-fitting tube that stays in place to protect fragile skin from pressure, friction and minor traumas that result in tears, bruising and abrasions. Unlike traditional fabric sleeves that are tight and binding, the layers of microfilaments allow air-flow and moisture transfer.

Simply slip the tube over the arm, there are no hook and loop fasteners or tight fitting spandex. The narrower end of the tube gentlyrests on the wrist to keep it from falling off. The cross microfilaments in the MicroSpring Textile allows these soft tubes to be self-supporting - they won’t slip down or bunch up.Measure the circumference around the widest part of the forearm. Choose the smaller size if measurement is between sizes.

DermaSaver Forearm Tube With Knuckle Protector

Forearm Tube With Knuckle Protector - DSFTKP


Two layers of MicroSpring Textile provide all-in-one protection from the knuckles to below the elbow.

All same attributes of the Forearm Tube (FT1300), but with added knuckle protection

Measure the circumference around the widest part of the forearm. Choose the smaller size if measurement is between sizes.

DermaSaver Arm Tube With Knuckle Protector

Arm Tube With Knuckle Protector - DSATKP


Two layers of MicroSpring Textile provide all-in-one protection from the knuckles to above the elbow.

All same attributes of the Arm Tube (AT1300), but with added knuckle protection.

Measure the circumference around the widest part of the forearm. Choose the smaller size if measurement is between sizes.

DermaSaver Arm Zip Tube

Arm Zip Tube - DSAZT


Two layers of MicroSping Textile protects the arm from the wrist to above the elbow. Zips open to allow for inspection of IV site and wound location. Loose enough to rotate. Zipper doesn’t come in contact with skin.

Measure around the widest part of the forearm. Choose the smaller size if measurement is between sizes:

DermaSaver Arm-Bow Tube

Arm-Bow Tube - DSABT

Two layers of MicroSpring Textile proctect the forearm while 5 layers are kept in place to protect the elbow. Will not roll around the elbow.

Two layers of soft, lightweight MicroSpring Textile™ form a loose-fitting tube that stays in place to protect the forearm while protecting the elbow with 5 layers of MicroSpring Textile. Will not roll around the elbow. Unlike traditional fabric sleeves that are tight and binding, the layers of microfilaments allow air-flow and moisture transfer. 

Simply slip the tube over the arm, there are no hook and loop fasteners or tight fitting spandex. The pleated elbow cup keeps it in place over the elbow. The cross microfilaments in the MicroSpring Textile allows thesesoft tubes to be self-supporting - they won’t slip down or bunch up. Measure the circumference around the widest part of the forearm. Choose the smaller size if between sizes.

DermaSaver Palm Pillow

Palm Pillow - DSPP


Layers of MicroSpring Textile rolled to 1 1/2" think pillow prevents digging fingernails into palms. Adjustable soft band with Velcro.

Small or large sizes available for any hand. Small size fits most smaller women and man. Large sizes fits most men and larger women.

DermaSaver Finger Separator

Finger Separator - DSFS

Four soft layers of MicroSpring Textile are placed between each finger and the cushioning palm pillow provides maxium comfort. Adjustable soft band with Velcro.(will not flatten out).

One size fits all

DermaSaver Knuckle Protector

Knuckle Protector - DSKP


Two layers of MicroSpring Textile cover sensitive knuckles to prevent bumping and scraping. Perfect for those using wheelchairs who may bump their hands and knuckles. Also prevents fingernails digging into palm.

Measure the circumference around the knuckles of the hand.

DermaSaver Knuckle Protector

DermaMitt - DSMITT


Two layers of MicroSpring Textile with an inner core layer of half inch polyfil helps prevent scratching and tube pulling. Protects fragile skin on hands. Velcro® securing band is folded under soft cuff.

© 2025 DermaSaver. The U.S. Patent Office recognizes the uniqueness of DermaSaver skin tubes and has awarded us U.S. Pat. #8,070,705. HipSaver, Inc all rights reserved.

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